
Showing posts from January, 2020

March For Our Lives

The movement's goals   March For Our Lives is a movement created by the American youth against gun violence, targeting specifically school shootings. Their mission is to  " harness the power of young people across the country to fight for sensible gun violence prevention policies that save lives." After the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida school shooting on February 14th, 2018, and the death of 17 students and injury of 17 others, March For Our Lives was created in order to stop gun violence. Every day in America, more than 100 lives are taken by the deadly epidemic of gun violence, it is the second cause of youth death following drug overdoses.  They advocate for change by organizing demonstrations nationwide and having survivors of gun violence speak out and use their voice to spread awareness. Their mottos "We want change!", "Generation Lockdown!" are clear examples of their fight for a safe and gun-free youth.