
Showing posts from February, 2020


Elephant 1) What struck you most in the film? What struck me most about the film was the artistic touch given to such a gruesome and terrorizing event. Throughout the movie, we see a slice of high school life but through a very passive and calm look. 2) What also impressed you? What impressed me most was the effect given by the actors to the spectator. With tiny hints and flashbacks, we understand each person's point of view of the situation as well as a very vague but still precise description of their personalities.  3) Did you find anything more particularly upsetting? What was most upsetting to me was the attitude of the students towards each other. While some were friends, for example, the 3 girls, we see that there is a lot of rivalry and competition between them all. Also, John tries to help but cannot provide any more than warning others, unfortunately it is useless.     4) What did you find very disturbing? To me, the most disturbing thing about the