

1) What struck you most in the film?

What struck me most about the film was the artistic touch given to such a gruesome and terrorizing event. Throughout the movie, we see a slice of high school life but through a very passive and calm look.

2) What also impressed you?

What impressed me most was the effect given by the actors to the spectator. With tiny hints and flashbacks, we understand each person's point of view of the situation as well as a very vague but still precise description of their personalities. 

3) Did you find anything more particularly upsetting?
What was most upsetting to me was the attitude of the students towards each other. While some were friends, for example, the 3 girls, we see that there is a lot of rivalry and competition between them all. Also, John tries to help but cannot provide any more than warning others, unfortunately it is useless. 

4) What did you find very disturbing?

To me, the most disturbing thing about the movie was the attitude of the killers who seemed very nonchalant about what they were about to do. The movie also plays on this attitude that really sets the viewer off. 

5) What was most shocking?

The most shocking was the end of the movie. Alex kills Eric, who is supposed to be his partner in crime, we do not understand why and it happens very suddenly with no wonder. Then he goes to look for Natan and Carrie, who he finds in the freezer. He sings a nursery rhyme before choosing which one to kill. This scene is very shocking and upsetting. 

6) What does the film suggest about the two school shooters?

In my opinion, the film doesn't give us a clear impression of both shooters. Apart from the scenes during the actual massacre where we see them cold-hearted and as monsters, the rest of the scenes they look quite normal, which is even more disturbing. 

7) What's more, what does the film director make clear about the two killers?
The film director makes it clear that the two killers have no regard for human life. They kill whoever they cross paths with no matter who they are. We see this clearly when Eric kills the principal after telling him he would let him go, then even more clearly when Alex kills Eric.

8) What kind of approach to the school shooting itself did Gus Van Sant opt for?
Gus Van Sant opted for an artistic approach to the school shooting.

9) Moreover, what's the main consequence of the realistic treatment he uses? What about the 'poetic' touches he instills throughout the film?
The main consequence of the realistic treatment he uses is that it gives us the impression that we are actually following the true events and that we are behind the characters while they go through their normal day following their point of view. The poetic touches he instills throughout the film adds subtle clues and metaphors for the events occurring or that are going to occur. 

10) As a conclusion, what must we admit about the way in which the killing and the killers are perceived by the film viewers?

Throughout the movie, we see our perception of both killers' change. While Alex seems to be the artistic and sensitive one, and Eric more violent, we see that Alex can be even more dangerous and deadly. The killing is viewed as very violent and ultimately the goal for the killers is revenge by killing the most students and staff possible.



    10 Questions 14/15
    1- 1,5
    2- 1,5
    3- 1,5
    4- 1,5
    5- 1,5
    6- 1,5
    7- 1,5
    8- 0,5
    9- 1,5
    Choice & Layout of Pictures: 5/5
    Overall Mark: 19/20


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