
The Handmaid's Tale

This quarantine has given me a lot of free time, not only to waste it but also to start reading and watching movies and series that expand my culture. While I am still reading the book, I started (and finished) the Hulu production of Margaret Atwoods's 1985 book, The Handmaid's Tale. The dystopian tragedy was created by Bruce Miller in 2016 and stars Elizabeth Moss, Joseph Fiennes, Yvonne Strahozski and many more.  Map of Gilead The United States faces a civil war, an ultraconservative and traditional group take power and proclame the USA as Gilead. In Gilead, society is based of hierarchy and gender. The government officials  as the Commanders, their Wives, Martha, the housekeepers, Handmaids, Aunts, women who control and torture the Handmaids and The Eyes, the police. Handmaids are women who are fertile and can bear children but that have "sinned" in the past, they are passed family to family and have to endure what is called the "Ceremony". F


The video I chose as a personal document to illustrate the consequences of the current COVID-19 health crisis worldwide was uploaded by the "Vox News" YouTube channel. Called "Why fighting the Coronavirus depends on you", it starts by talking about a statement made by WHO  on March 11th, 2020, where  Tedros Adhanom, head of the World Health Organization calls the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. He explains what will happen in the coming weeks and gives a warning to other countries, they must act before the spread gets out of hand. The narrator then goes in to describe the symptoms of the virus, and a woman on a video call goes into detail and explains how it spreads. They explain what is going on in hospitals, as well as what happens when someone infected goes on and about like normal and how that affects the sanitary system. The narrator explains that social distancing slows the virus and keeps the hospitals from being over-full capacity. They then take th

Coronavirus: The Words You Need To Understand

The COVID-19 outbreak that we are all facing will be an experience that none of us will forget. While dealing with a global crisis having repercussions on everyone and everything, many people are still un or misinformed about this virus. With the overload of information, fake news is difficult to differentiate from what is authentic. On the news, we hear lots of technical words most of us aren't familiar with. This article by  by John Kelly , a Senior Research Editor for entitled " Coronavirus: The Words You Need To Understand" . The News gives us the most important words that we must understand in order to be fully aware of the pandemic. Here are 10 words (and their definitions) that I found the most recurrent and important in the News. 1. asymptomatic Asymptomatic  means “showing no evidence of disease.” Just because a person is  asymptomatic  doesn’t mean they aren’t infected with COVID-19. 2. communicable Communicable  means “capable of b

Exchanges in Real Spaces & Virtual Spaces

POST 12: SPACES & EXCHANGES - Exchanges in Real Spaces & Virtual Spaces: Two cartoons  How far is the boundary between real and virtual spaces becoming increasingly blurred nowadays? The first document is a cartoon drawn by  Harvey Schwadron , where we see a man looking up to look at the window of a corner shop. There is a panel on the window that says "Ace Computers" and asks why "eco-tourists" would "travel and add to pollution while they could stay home and visit exotic travel web sites!"   This means that today, thanks to the internet it is so easy to just look up anything and have it in front of us in mere seconds.  For example, you can easily look up "Thailand beaches" and scroll through the endless pictures of idyllic scenery all while being on your own sofa. Today, pollution and global warming is a big question and we all know that planes leave a big carbon footprint. It is an ironic cartoon that pokes fun


SPACES & EXCHANGES: A MIND MAP              This notion we will be studying Spaces and Exchanges . The mind map above puts in evidence what the notion is actually about. What you think might be the easiest to explain, Spaces is explained in two different ways. First Real Places, which is everything that is physical and concrete. Then, Virtual Spaces , more abstract but the spaces are still real that we come across every day. For Exchanges , we can also talk about physical exchanges and abstract ones. This just means that the first you can see it happening while the other can be happening while we don't see it concretely.  For it to be more clear we can take examples to illustrate each part. Real spaces can be as easily defined as cities. In the mind map, global cities are mentioned as well as small towns. These are places that everyone knows exists and that we can see. On the other hand, we have Virtual Spaces, like web sites, social networking, or forums. T

M.I.A. Paper Planes

M.I.A., Paper Planes -   FREE INDIVIDUAL POST: A song/video on the ‘SPACES & EXCHANGES’ notion Paper Planes is a 2008 song, written and produced by English and Sri Lankan singer M.I.A and Diplo for the M.I.A's album Kala. The song's meaning is difficult to understand, at first sight, personally, I had to look up the lyrics to understand the actual message of the song. I chose this song to illustrate the notion of Spaces and Exchanges because it is about immigrants coming into Europe and plays with the stereotypes many Europeans may have of foreigners. Also, the fact that the document is a politically committed song is a way to exchange ideas. While the notion can be studied looking at examples of PHYSICAL spaces and exchanges, it is also important to see METAPHORICALLY.   The lyrics summarize  Kala ' s central theme, satirize American perceptions of visa-seeking foreigners and immigrants from  Third World  nations.   Billboard  commented that the conte


Elephant 1) What struck you most in the film? What struck me most about the film was the artistic touch given to such a gruesome and terrorizing event. Throughout the movie, we see a slice of high school life but through a very passive and calm look. 2) What also impressed you? What impressed me most was the effect given by the actors to the spectator. With tiny hints and flashbacks, we understand each person's point of view of the situation as well as a very vague but still precise description of their personalities.  3) Did you find anything more particularly upsetting? What was most upsetting to me was the attitude of the students towards each other. While some were friends, for example, the 3 girls, we see that there is a lot of rivalry and competition between them all. Also, John tries to help but cannot provide any more than warning others, unfortunately it is useless.     4) What did you find very disturbing? To me, the most disturbing thing about the