The video I chose as a personal document to illustrate the consequences of the current COVID-19 health crisis worldwide was uploaded by the "Vox News" YouTube channel. Called "Why fighting the Coronavirus depends on you", it starts by talking about a statement made by WHO  on March 11th, 2020, where Tedros Adhanom, head of the World Health Organization calls the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. He explains what will happen in the coming weeks and gives a warning to other countries, they must act before the spread gets out of hand. The narrator then goes in to describe the symptoms of the virus, and a woman on a video call goes into detail and explains how it spreads. They explain what is going on in hospitals, as well as what happens when someone infected goes on and about like normal and how that affects the sanitary system. The narrator explains that social distancing slows the virus and keeps the hospitals from being over-full capacity. They then take the example of the flu in 1908 in the US, where Philadephia and St Louis were both affected. One city went through quarantine while the other allowed big crowds. The latter's cases skyrocketed while the former's stayed under control. That is what is happening during this outbreak. The video urges people to practice social distancing to avoid more avoidable deaths. 

In my opinion, the COVID-19 pandemic has a lot to do with Spaces and Exchanges. For one, the way the virus expands is by an exchange. If one person who has the virus goes out, takes to metro, goes to school or work, they are infecting a handful of people in just one day. Imagine this goes on, the number of infected people would be astronomical to what it could have been if they were not an exchange. The first case of the coronavirus was found in Wuhan, China. The virus then went to Europe, Iran, South Korea, and today affects everybody, even Amazonian tribes. The virus managed to go from one space to another in a very short amount of time. But, this also gives way to more and more virtual spaces. To keep people entertained and keep morals up, so many new (virtual) places have been created. To keep in touch with family and friends, keep up your physical activity, become more creative. We also have so much information to exchange during these times that we will always receive something new, even if it is just a text message from a close friend. During this time where we put global wellness above our own needs, it is important to remember why we do it and stay motivated to do so. This video reminds us how we contribute to go back to our normal lives.  


  1. Very personal and interesting but I' don't think that you picked a very appropriate document and illustrated the 'consequences' of COVID-19 (see instructions on teacher's blog).
    Instead, you described the whole process of the pandemic as it is presented in the video picked as document.
    I must admit that your second paragraph is more focused, however.
    ==> 16/20


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